neljapäev, 9. juuni 2022


Intoxicating beginning of summer, the day after a wonderful party, I also got a package of wonderfully fragrant flower oils. I was completely high on life, the joy inside me was so big that it felt like the roof was flying off.

And then I saw a picture in Instagram with the text: “Life could not be better right now!” Although, of course, it can, always.



Joovastav kevadsuvi, päev pärast imetoredat pidu, lisaks sain paki imeliselt lõhnavate lilleõlidega. Olin täiesti elust pilves, rõõm mu sees nii suur, et oli tunne, et katus lendab pealt ära.

Ja just siis jäi Instagrami uudisvoos ette tuttava postitatud pilt tekstiga “Elu ei saaks praegu parem olla!” (“Life couldn’t be better right now!”). Ehkki tegelikult saab muidugi ikka, alati.

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