neljapäev, 27. oktoober 2022

Let’s stay together

I had a quarrel with my husband and I went to dinner with my ex-boyfriend. Coming back from there and turning towards home, I saw an advertising poster on my street corner with a large text “Let's stay together". Since the Universe shows the most joyful path, of course this poster got me thinking. We soon made up, and it was sweet.


Püsime koos
Olin mehega üsna temperamentselt tülis ning käisin kunagise peikaga õhtust söömas. Sealt tagasi tulles ja kodu poole keerates nägin oma tänavanurgal reklaamplakatit suure tekstiga “Püsime koos”. Kuna Universum näitab kõige rõõmuküllasemat teed, pani see plakat mind muidugi mõtlema. Varsti leppisime ära ja see oli magus.

neljapäev, 20. oktoober 2022

Rude rats

I was angry with a man at the moment, in my opinion he had not been as polite as I would have liked. But then when I heard that the men's event he was supposed to go to in a couple of days was at a place called Rude Rats, of course I laughed. Quite apt. The universe and his sick sense of humor.


Ebaviisakad rotid

Olin parasjagu ühe mehe peale kuri, minu meelest polnud ta olnud nii viisakas, kui mulle meeldinuks. Kui aga kuulsin siis, et meesteüritus, kuhu ta pidi paari päeva pärast minema, toimus kohas nimega Rude Rats, ebaviisakad rotid, siis muidugi naersin. Üsna tabav. Universum ja tema riivatu huumorimeel.

neljapäev, 13. oktoober 2022


This is the story of our friends. Years ago, the woman was at a party, she had been single for a while. After few cocktails, she wrote a message to her pastor friend which said: “You can tell your boss that I'm ready now, he can send my person now, I’m tired of waiting.”

About half an hour later, a mutual friend introduced her to the man who later became her husband and the father of her second child.



See on me sõprade paari lugu. Naine oli aastaid tagasi peol ja juba tükk aega vallaline olnud. Švipsis peaga kirjutas ta oma kirikuõpetajast sõbrale sõnumi, et võid oma bossile öelda, et ma olen nüüd valmis, saatku see minu inimene kohale, ma ei jaksa kauem oodata.

Umbes pool tundi hiljem tutvustas ühine sõber teda mehele, kellest sai hiljem tema abikaasa ja teise lapse isa.

neljapäev, 6. oktoober 2022

The One

We spent our honeymoon in a beautiful small town. One day I went for a walk. I came across a sculpture of a huge hand - I had seen it in the pictures, with my friends sitting on the palm and wanted to come and see it for myself. On that day, however, there was a box placed on the palm with the text “The One Soap" - a soap advertisement, but considering the timing, it was so awesome. A hint that I chose The Right One - and considering how soap opera-like sweet life felt at the moment, the last word was also perfect in the context.


See öige

Veetsime Kuressaares Gospas mesinädalaid ja läksin ühel päeval linna peale jalutama. Sattusin Thule Koja juurde, kus seinast sirutub välja käsi - olin seda piltidelt näinud ning tahtsin ka ise vaatama tulla. Sel päeval oli aga peopessa asetatud risttahukas tekstiga “See öige seep” - seebireklaam, aga ajastust arvestades siiski nii äge. Vihje, et valisin Selle Õige - ja arvestades seda, kui seebiooperlikult magus parasjagu elu tundus, sobis viimane sõna ka konteksti. :)

Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...