This is the story of our friends. Years ago, the woman was at a party, she had been single for a while. After few cocktails, she wrote a message to her pastor friend which said: “You can tell your boss that I'm ready now, he can send my person now, I’m tired of waiting.”
About half an hour later, a mutual friend introduced her to the man who later became her husband and the father of her second child.
See on me sõprade paari lugu. Naine oli aastaid tagasi peol ja juba tükk aega vallaline olnud. Švipsis peaga kirjutas ta oma kirikuõpetajast sõbrale sõnumi, et võid oma bossile öelda, et ma olen nüüd valmis, saatku see minu inimene kohale, ma ei jaksa kauem oodata.
Umbes pool tundi hiljem tutvustas ühine sõber teda mehele, kellest sai hiljem tema abikaasa ja teise lapse isa.
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