neljapäev, 3. november 2022

Don't search

Haven't you sometimes felt that your ex's new girlfriend is too much like you?
I remembered some such examples when I saw a picture of a beautiful woman with the text: "Stop looking for me in everyone you meet, angels never come twice." Of course, I doubt the latter - sometimes they come. They are angels after all. :)


Ära otsi
Kas Sulle pole mõnikord tundunud, et Su eksi uus tüdruksõber on kahtlaselt Sinu moodi?
Mõni selline lugu meenus mulle, kui nägin pilti kaunist naisest tekstiga: “Lõpeta minu otsimine kõigis, keda Sa kohtad, inglid ei tule iialgi kaks korda.” Viimases ma muidugi kahtlen - mõnikord tulevad. Nad on ju ikkagi inglid. :)

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