neljapäev, 29. juuni 2023

Get rich

I was in Tallinn and after a long time I saw a big advertising board, where I had used to come across meaningful messages so many times. This time there was a word play with a message: "Get rich!"

My financial situation was not the best in the world at the moment, I was a bit worried... and at the same time, my new book had just been published, so there was hope for a brighter future.


Tatsa rikkaks

Olin Tallinnas ja nägin üle pika aja Lincona suurt reklaamtahvlit, kus vanasti nii mõnigi kord tähenduslikke sõnumeid kohtasin. Seekord oli seal tekst: “Tatsa rikkaks!”

Finantsseis polnud hetkel just maailma parim, olin natuke puuduseenergias… ja samas oli uus raamat just ilmunud, nii et terendas lootus helgemale tulevikule.


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