neljapäev, 8. juuni 2023


I played with the idea of ​​moving, but hesitated between two places. I had the keys to both the old and the new apartment. One day when I was locking the door at the old place, I looked at the key… I guess the brand was actually something else? But it was written in such a way that I read the word "Wrong" on the key and started laughing because... my gut told me the same, this house is wrong.



Mängisin mõttega kolida, aga kõhklesin veel kahe koha vahel. Mul olid nii vana kui ka uue kodu võtmed. Ühel päeval vanas kohas ust lukku keerates langes mu pilk juhuslikult võtmele… kaubamärk oli tegelikult vist küll midagi muud, Yale? Aga selle kirjaviis selline, et lugesin võtmelt sõna “Vale” ja hakkasin naerma, sest… sisetunne ütles sama, see maja on vale.


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