neljapäev, 14. detsember 2023

Abandon the veils

I was on my way to my dear small town again and scrolled Instagram on the way. I saw a beautiful text and image there regarding the coming magical date - 12.12.21 - that said: “Whatever veils you have created to dim your Divinity, it is time to let them go.”

Beautiful. And also made me remember the previous magical date with the same numbers, 12/12/12…


Loobu looridest

Sõitsin jälle Võrru ja vaatasin teel Instagrami. Nägin seal imeilusat teksti ja pilti seoses saabuva maagilise kuupäevaga - 12.12.21 -, mis ütles: “Mis tahes loore Sa oled loonud, et varjata oma jumalikkust, on aeg neil minna lasta.” 

Imeilus. Ja pani mind ka meenutama eelmist maagilist kuupäeva samade numbritega, 12.12.12…


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Forget the phone

My friends and I were walking through a beautiful park in Malta from our way from Mdina to Rabat, when I saw a beautiful sculpture of a man ...