neljapäev, 13. veebruar 2025

Major breakthrough

I tried an exciting new therapy and released the beliefs in my inner world about not deserving success. After that, when I opened Instagram, I was greeted by a picture from @notetostrangers with a large text: “You never know when you’ll make a major breakthrough.”


Suur läbimurre

Proovisin ühte uut põnevat teraapiat ja vabastasin oma sisemaailmas edul ees seisvaid uskumusi. Pärast seda Instagrami avades vaatas mulle sealt vastu @notestostrangers pilt suure tekstiga: “Sa ei tea iial, millal Sa teed suure läbimurde.”

neljapäev, 6. veebruar 2025

Keys to happiness

My boyfriend and I went on a trip, the flight left from Riga, so we stayed at the Grand Poet by Semarah hotel one night before, which I had wanted to try for a long time. Driving through the city to the airport in the morning, I looked around with interest - there is a bridge and the advertising posters surrounding it have spoken to me many times before. 

But this time all the lampposts had keys attached to them… I tried to figure out how to interpret it. A flurry of keys, have I finally found the magic key to making all my dreams come true?



Sõitsime kallimaga reisile, lend läks Riiast, nii et olime ühe öö enne Grand Poet by Semarah hotellis, mida olin ammu proovida tahtnud. Hommikul läbi linna lennujaama sõites vaatasin huviga ringi - seal on üks sild, mida palistavad reklaamplakatid on minuga varemgi rääkinud.

Seekord olid aga kõikide postide küljes võtmed… proovisin mõistatada, kuidas seda tõlgendada. Võtmesadu, olen lõpuks leidnud võluvõtmekese kõikide unistuste täitumise juurde?

Major breakthrough

I tried an exciting new therapy and released the beliefs in my inner world about not deserving success. After that, when I opened Instagram,...