neljapäev, 21. juuli 2022


I was traveling by train, thinking and scrolling my phone and looking out the window. Suddenly I noticed that someone had left a sticker with a picture of a starfish on the table under the window. Since I already have a long experience of googling such signs, I of course did it immediately.
Result based on two sources combined: starfish is a celestial symbol representing infinite divine love, also associated with inspiration, brilliance, intuition and vigilance; he is known for his ability to regenerate, so he teaches to heal, renew and make yourself a better person; the starfish speaks of divine love as it is associated with the stars; she is also used to represent the Virgin Mary - the guide and protector of those who navigate difficult waters.
Since I felt that I was sailing in difficult waters at the moment, it was so lovely to read this and feel supported.


Sõitsin rongiga Tartu poole, vahepeal olin telefonis ja vahepeal vaatasin aknast välja. Kuni äkki märkasin, et lauakesele akna all on keegi jätnud meritähe pildiga kleepsu. Kuna mul on juba pikk kogemus selliste märkide guugeldamisega, tegin seda muidugi kohe. 
Tulemus kahe allika põhjal kokku: meritäht on taevalik sümbol, mis esindab lõputut jumalikku armastust, lisaks on see seotud inspiratsiooni, sära, intuitsiooni ja valvsusega; ta on tuntud oma taastumisvõime poolest, nii et ta õpetab ennast ravima, uuendama ja paremaks inimeseks muutma; meritäht räägib jumalikust armastusest, kuna ta on seotud tähtedega; teda kasutatakse ka Neitsi Maarja tähistamiseks - nende suunaja ja kaitsjana, kes seilavad keerulistes vetes.
Seilasin parasjagu tõesti veidi keerulistes vetes, nii et väga armas oli seda lugeda ja end hoituna tunda.

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