neljapäev, 28. juuli 2022


Some signs come particularly strongly - one summer evening, when I was trying to fall asleep, a bat flew into the room from the open window. I squealed until my boyfriend helped it back out of the window with a towel… and then of course I went to the internet to research what the bat meant as a symbol and a sign.

It was a pleasure to discover that bats are considered a good omen in the Orient, who predict that the family will suddenly become very rich. He is also associated with changes in life, in which it is worth using all your senses to navigate. I was getting married soon…



Mõni märk tuleb eriti jõuliselt - ühel suveõhtul, kui püüdsin uinuda, lendas avatud aknast tuppa nahkhiir. Kiljusin, kuni mees ta käterätiku abil aknast tagasi välja aitas… ja läksin siis muidugi internetti uurima, mida nahkhiir sümboli ja märgina tähendab.

Rõõm oli avastada, et Idamaades peetakse nahkhiirt heaks endeks, kes ennustab, et perekond saab ootamatult väga rikkaks. Samuti seostatakse teda muutustega elus, milles orienteerumiseks tasub kasutada kõiki oma meeli. Ma olin peagi abiellumas…

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Don't drive faster

I was waiting for a good friend in the café to drive to south together. I ordered a coffee and started to drink it when I discovered a piece...