neljapäev, 4. august 2022

Ukuaru waltz (by Arvo Pärt)

One summer, my dear friend suddenly started hearing Arvo Pärt's "Ukuaru waltz" everywhere, which she likes like crazy. She soon decided that if she ever got married again, this would be her wedding waltz.

Then I remembered another good friend had years ago decided that if she ever got married, it would be in her tiny home town. A little while later, the next idea came to her who should be the singer who sings at the wedding. She laughed that everything else was in place, only the groom was missing. The wonderful thing is that soon she found a new admirer, also from the same tiny town, who proposed to her less than a year after the first meeting, and we got a wedding invitation to that tiny town!


Ukuaru valss

Mu armas sõber hakkas ühel suvel järsku igal pool kuulma Arvo Pärdi “Ukuaru valssi”, mis talle hullupööra meeldib. Ta otsustas peagi, et kui ta peaks veel kunagi abielluma, saab sellest tema pulmavalss.

Mulle meenus selle peale teine hea sõber, kes kunagi äkki oma sünnilinnas otsustas, et kui ta veel kunagi abiellub, siis Kuressaares. Veidi aega hiljem tuli tal mõte, et pulmas võiks sel juhul laulda Ivo Linna, ja naeris, et kõik muu on paigas, ainult peigmees puudu. Imetore on see, et õige pea leidis ta uue austaja, samuti Saaremaalt pärit, kes tegi vähem kui aasta pärast esmakohtumist talle abieluettepaneku ning me saimegi pulmakutse Kuressaares toimuvasse pulma!

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