neljapäev, 8. september 2022

Financial luck

About a month before I got married, I was cleaning the garden shed and swept out a dung beetle from under the stove. I was so startled that my heart skipped a beat, because I thought at first that there was a cricket coming from under the stove, and in the movie "Practical Magic" it was a very bad omen for marriage.

I recovered a bit, googled and realized that the cricket looks completely different. The one I found, however, was a dung beetle who predicts great financial luck.



Umbes kuu aega enne abiellumist koristasin aiamajas ja pühkisin ahju alt välja musta sitika. Ma ehmatasin nii, et süda tegi jõnksu, sest ma arvasin esimese hooga, et ahju alt tuli kilk ja filmis “Igapäevane nõiakunst” oli see abielule ülihalb enne.

Toibusin natuke, guugeldasin ja sain aru, et kilk näeb hoopis teistsugune välja. See, kelle ma leidsin, oli aga hoopis sitasitikas, kes ennustab suurt rahaõnne.

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