neljapäev, 22. september 2022

Rain and sun

It's amazing how the weather can also be a sign. Sometimes I have found it more difficult to interpret these signs, but this time the messages were very clear. I started a new school year and new subjects in university. I rather reluctantly took one of the mandatory subjects, which didn't really appeal to me (although the lecturer turned out to be very nice). On the way to university that day, it was raining and the sky was so grey, so grey.

The next morning I had to have a novel course, which was just as nice and exciting as I had hoped. The weather was exceptionally warm that one day in September, 24 degrees, the sun was shining, on the way home, one yellow butterfly after another flew towards me, and the air felt totally Mediterranean.


Vihm ja päike

See on hämmastav, kuidas ilm võib ka olla märk. Vahel on mul nende märkide tõlgendamine keerulisem tundunud, aga seekord olid ikka väga selged sõnumid. Mul algas uus kooliaasta ja uued õppeaineid Tartus. Võtsin üsna vastumeelselt ühe kohustusliku valikaine, mis mind väga ei köitnud (ehkki õppejõud osutus väga toredaks). Tol päeval kooli sõites sadas ladinal vihma ja kõik oli nii hall, nii hall.

Järgmisel hommikul pidi mul olema Eesti romaani kursus, mis oli just nii tore ja põnev, kui olin lootnudki. Ilm oli just tol ühel päeval erakordselt soe, 24 kraadi, päike säras, koduteel lendas üks kollane liblikas teise järel mulle vastu ning õhk oli täiesti vahemereline.

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