neljapäev, 29. september 2022

Wedding day

I woke up on my wedding day with excitement, but of course I was also a little anxious about whether everything would go exactly as planned. In any case, the universe immediately sent supportive signs: when we were driving to the edge of the city with the photographer, coming from doing makeup and hair, there was a car in front of us with a combination of numbers that had expressed support for me for years, complemented by the letter combination "TRR", so it seemed very much meant for me.

In addition, the sun was shining in the blue sky and the temperatures kept rising - at the beginning of September there had been a lot of grey, rainy and cool weather, but for the wedding day we got the perfect sunny weather of 20 degrees. And our secret wedding still ended in the company of friends - accidentaly, there were also two couples of our good friends in the Pädaste manor and restaurant, where we celebrated our wedding, so even though we had wanted to be alone and started the dinner alone, it was very nice to finally share the wedding cake with our friends - we considered it a good sign.



Ärkasin oma pulmapäeval elevusega, aga natuke muidugi pabistasin ka, kas kõik läheb just nii, nagu planeeritud. Universum lennutas igatahes kohe toetavad märgid kohale: meiki-soengut tegemast tulles koos fotograafiga autoga linna serva poole sõites oli meie ees auto mu jaoks aastaid toetust väljendanud numbrikombinatsiooniga, mida täiendas tähekombinatsioon “TRR”, nii et see tundus igatahes väga mulle mõeldud.

Lisaks säras sinitaevas päike ja temperatuurid muudkui tõusid - septembri algul oli olnud palju halle, vihmaseid ja jahedaid ilmu, aga pulmapäevaks sain soovitud ideaalse päikesepaistelise 20 kraadi sooja ilma. Ning meie salapulm lõppes ikkagi sõprade seltskonnas - juhuslikult olid Pädaste mõisas ja restoranis ka kaks paari meie häid sõpru, nii et ehkki olime tahtnud kahekesi olla ja alustasimegi ikkagi õhtusööki kahekesi, oli sõpradega lõpuks pulmatorti jagada väga tore ja lugesime ka selle heaks märgiks.

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