neljapäev, 23. veebruar 2023

Love is all around

In the morning I went to suburbs, in the evening I went to the same direction to the restaurant with a very dear person. It was rush hour, so he also zigzagged a bit. In the park in front of the Hilton hotel there were lamps in the shape of red hearts on top of the trees, which I did not see in the morning, along the road I noticed advertisements of LHV bank with a big red heart, which either were not there in the morning or I did not notice them. It immediately made me think about the selectivity of perception and that signs are still magical.


Armastus on kõikjal

Käisin hommikul Tallinna kesklinnast Viimsis, õhtul sõitsin koos ühe väga armsa inimesega samas suunas Noa restorani sööma. Tipptund oli, nii et ta siksakitas veidi ka, Hiltoni hotelli ees pargis olid puude otsas punaste südamete kujulised lambid, mida ma hommikul ei näinud, Pirita tee ääres märkasin LHV panga reklaame suure punase südamega, mida hommikul kas samuti polnud või ma ei märganud. Pani kohe mõtlema taju selektiivsuse üle ja et märgid on ikka tõesti maagilised.

neljapäev, 16. veebruar 2023

Be still

The coronavirus pandemic, which started in China, had been raging for almost a year, when my husband fell ill. I sat with him in self-isolation for a week without any symptoms…. until I ended up with a flu too. I went to take the test on Sunday just in case and when I came back I saw a car with a cartoon, where a rabbit was aiming at a hedgehog with an air rifle, with the text: "Be still, I'll shoot you to Beijing."

Since the nurse had told me pretty much the same thing - be still - I looked at it and knew that as much as I would like to see there some more POSITIVE sign, it probably means a positive result. And that's what I got the next morning. And even though it ruined my mood at first, it later turned out to be a joyful path, because after that the numbers went up so much that otherwise I would probably have been frightened, but now I felt quite calm with my antibodies.


Ole paigal

Hiinast alguse saanud kroonviirusepandeemia oli möllanud juba ligi aasta, kui mu abikaasa haigestus. Istusin koos temaga nädal aega eneseisolatsioonis, ilma igasuguste sümptomiteta…. kuni jäin lõeadtpuks ka nohusse. Läksin ikka igaks juhuks testi tegema pühapäevasel päeval, sealt tulles nägin Pesakonna koomiksiga autot, kus jänes sihtis siili õhupüssiga, juures tekst: “Ole paigal, ma lasen Su Pekingisse.”

Kuna mulle oli proovivõtja just üsna sama öelnud - ole paigal -, vaatasin seda ja nentisin, et nii väga kui ma ka ei tahaks sealt mingit POSITIIVSEMAT märki välja lugeda, tähendab see ilmselt positiivset tulemust. Ja selle ma järgmisel hommikul saingi. Ja ehkki see algul rikkus mu tuju, osutus see hiljem ikkagi rõõmuküllaseks teeks, sest pärast seda läksid numbrid Eestis nii üles, et muidu oleksin ilmselt värisenud, nüüd aga tundsin end oma antikehadega päris rahulikult.

neljapäev, 9. veebruar 2023

Get there as agreed

I was in capital and I had to return to home town on Sunday, but everything was a bit vague, whether and how I would get back.

On Sunday morning, while thinking about it, I saw an advertisement with a picture of a car, with the text “Get there as agreed". I smiled... and that's how it went, by the evening I was back home, as planned.


Kokkulepitult kohale

Olin Tallinnas ja pidin pühapäeval Võrru naasma, aga kõik oli pisut ebamäärane, kas ja kuidas tagasi saan.

Pühapäeva hommikul selle üle mõeldes jäi mulle Delfi uudiste vahel ette autopildiga reklaam, tekstiga “Kokkulepitult kohale”. Naeratasin… ja nii läkski, õhtuks olin kodus, nagu plaan oligi.

neljapäev, 2. veebruar 2023


Few years ago old winter and the pandemic were in full swing. One evening I walked into the living room, my husband had gone to walk the dog and had put the TV on hold. The text on the screen said: "I would return to Cuba if I could be useful there."

The most joyful path? Returning to Cuba was quite impossible at that moment, but I was again very happy that I acted crazy, listened to my heart a few years earlier and went there alone, while there was still a chance.



Eesti talv ja pandeemia olid paar aastat tagasi täies hoos. Ühel õhtul jalutasin elutuppa, abikaasa oli läinud koera jalutama ja pooliku saate stopile pannud. Ekraanile jäänud tekst ütles: “Naaseksin Kuubale, kui saaksin seal kasulik olla.”

Kõige rõõmuküllasem tee? Kuubale naasmine oli sel hetkel üsna võimatu, aga tundsin jälle suurt rõõmu, et paar aastat varem “ära keerasin”, oma südant kuulasin ja seal üksi ära käisin, kui veel võimalus oli.

Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...