neljapäev, 9. märts 2023

Make the most of the moment

Small pleasures and rituals add a lot of color to life. One of those that I really love is a delicious frothy café latte in a nice coffee shop. After being forced to stay at home during pandemic, I galloped enthusiastically to the cafe for coffee and cake… stopping only to take a picture and laugh at the big Paulig ad on the side of the road that said: “The right attitude and a decent coffee will go a long way. Make the most of the moment.”


Võta hetkest parim

Väikesed naudingud ja rituaalid lisavad elule palju värvi. Üks selliseid, mida ma väga armastan, on üks hõrk piimavahune café latte kena kohvikus. Pärast pandeemia-aegset sunnitud kodus olemist kappasin suure entusiasmiga kohviku poole, et kohvi ja kooki nautida… peatudes vaid selleks, et pildistada ja naerda suurelt tee äärde sätitud Pauligi reklaami, mis ütles: “Õige suhtumise ja väärt kohviga jõuab kaugele. Võta hetkest parim.”

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Don't drive faster

I was waiting for a good friend in the café to drive to south together. I ordered a coffee and started to drink it when I discovered a piece...