neljapäev, 16. märts 2023

All the love

It was a beautiful sunny spring day, the last day (before next lockdown) when cafes and shopping centers were open. I went to buy wine glasses and then had a coffee in a cafe that was new to me. When I got out of there to walk home, a song came out loud from the speakers with the words: "I'm gonna give you all my love…”

I have the impression that if you shower yourself with nice experiences, that's exactly how the soul feels.


Kogu armastus

Oli imeilus päikeseline kevadtalvine päev, viimane avatud kohvikute ja kaubanduskeskustega enne järjekordseid piiranguid. Käisin koju veiniklaase ostmas ning siis ühes enda jaoks uues kohvikus kohvil. Sealt väljudes, et koju jalutada, tuli kõlaritest valjult laulurida: “Ma annan Sulle kogu oma armastuse…” 

Mulle on jäänud mulje, et kui end toredate elamustega poputada, siis täpselt nii hing tänutäheks tunneb jah.

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