neljapäev, 23. märts 2023


I was at home one Wednesday evening when the package I ordered from IKEA arrived. They had put my things in a big box with the big text "The Master" on it. This was quite an amusing sign for me, as the word means both master (and to me it means someone who has honed the art of living to mastery) and master’s degree. I was halfway through my doctoral studies in literature and found myself thinking that I might leave it because I did't really need to have doctor’s degree, the existing master’s was enough. And then a shipment with such a message? SO nice, I was obviously on the right track with my thoughts. :)



Olin ühel kolmapäevaõhtul kodus, kui saabus IKEAst tellitud pakk. Nad olid mu asjad pannud suurde kasti, millel ilutses suur tekst “The Master”. See oli minu jaoks päris lõbustav märk, sest see sõna tähendab nii meistrit (ja see tähendab minu jaoks inimest, kes on elamise kunsti meisterlikkuseni lihvinud) kui ka magistrit. Mina aga olin poole peal kirjanduse doktorantuuriga ning leidnud end mõtlemast, et jätta ehk pooleli, sest mul pole seda doktorikraadi tegelikult vaja, piisab olemasolevast magistrist. Ja siis sellise sõnumiga saadetis? NIi tore, olin ilmselgelt oma mõtetega õigel teel. :)

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