neljapäev, 31. august 2023

Higher class

I came to capital with an early morning bus and while driving I saw the face similar to my friend's son on a big advertising poster with the text "Higher class".

It resonated, because once a few years ago, the same young man (who had somewhat mystical abilities) had told his mother that I was energetically the second class from the top. At that time, I was very interested in what I was missing from the highest class, although I knew where in my life everything was not as wonderful as it seemed. By now I had changed these things and high on life.


Kõrgem klass

Tulin Võrust varahommikuse bussiga Tallinna, Tartust läbi sõites nägin suurel reklaamplakatil oma sõbranna poja sarnast poissi koos tekstiga “Kõrgem klass”.

Resoneerus, sest kunagi paar aastat tagasi oli sama pisut müstiliste võimetega noormees öelnud emale, et Triin on ülevalt teine klass energeetiliselt. Mind huvitas tookord väga, mis mul kõige kõrgemast puudu jäi, ehkki teadsin ju küll, kus mu elus ei olnud kõik nii roosiline, kui välja paistis. Nüüdseks olin neid asju muutnud ja tunne hoopis teine.


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