neljapäev, 24. august 2023

Congratulations to the winner!

One hard day for me, my soul was broken and I was very sad, my loved one felt the same We went sailing with friends, so that maybe the sea breeze would ease it. Having sailed across the bay, the loudspeaker said the moment we entered the harbor: "We are ready to welcome the winner!" 

At the same time, the ORC Sailing Championships were held in Tallinn for the first time, and coincidentally there was an award ceremony taking place. The universe made me smile again... and reminded me that in fact I must have reached exactly where I wanted to be - dedicated to writing and free to do what I want.


Tervitame võitjat!

Üks minu jaoks raske päev, hing oli lõhki ja olin väga kurb, kallimal sama. Läksime sõpradega purjetama, et ehk meretuul leevendab. Noblessnerist üle lahe Piritale purjetanud, öeldi valjuhääldist sel hetkel, kui sadamasse sisse sõitsime: “Me oleme valmis tervitama võitjat!” (“We are ready to welcome the winner!”).

Tallinnas toimusid samal ajal esimest korda avamerepurjetamise maailmameistrivõistlused ja seal parasjagu juhuslikult autasustamine. Universum pani mu jälle naeratama… ja tuletas meelde, et tegelikult ma vist olin jõudnud just sinna, kuhu olin tahtnud - kirjutamisele pühendunud ja vaba tegema, mida ma tahan.


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