neljapäev, 17. august 2023

Faith in love

The wedding ceremony of my friends took place in the woods by the spring, the walk there was almost half an hour. I walked in my bright summer dress through the forest decorated with swaying dream catchers, here and there there were children playing the harp by the forest path. And then came a woman in a red T-shirt with "Faith to love" written in white on her chest.

So beautiful. Especially since it resonated perfectly with what I had recently been thinking about marriage - I believe in love, but marriage is a social construct that comes with so many issues. But that doesn't stop me from being happy about other people getting married.


Usk armastusse

Sõprade pulmatseremoonia toimus allika ääres metsa sees, jalutuskäik sinna oli ligi pooletunnine. Astusin oma heledas suvekleidis läbi heljuvate unenäopüüdjatega kaunistatud metsa, siin-seal istus metsaraja kõrval harfi sõrmitsevaid lapsi. Ja siis tuli vastu punases T-särgis naine, kelle rinnale oli valgega kirjutatud “Usk armastusse”.

Nii kaunis. Seda enam, et resoneerus täiuslikult sellega, mida ma olin hiljuti seoses abieluga mõelnud - ma usun armastusse, aga abielu on sotsiaalne konstruktsioon, millega käib kaasas nii palju agasid. Mis aga ei takista mul teiste abiellumise üle rõõmu tundmast.


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