neljapäev, 3. august 2023

New story

After my new book came out, it was a bit of a lost feeling, as always. In the meantime, I also tended to worry, but then fortunately I started to remember that we create life with our thoughts and words, so it's worth dreaming more. As the icing on the cake, I saw a quote from Paulo Coelho: "Imagine a new story for your life and start living it.”


Uus lugu

Pärast raamatu ilmumist oli selline natuke pidetu tunne, nagu ikka. Vahepeal kaldusin muremõtetesse ka, aga siis hakkas õnneks meenuma, et me loome elu oma mõtete ja sõnadega, seega tasub rohkem unistada. Kirsina koogil nägin Paulo Coelho tsitaati: “Imagine a new story for your life and start living it.”


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