neljapäev, 28. september 2023


 I was on a trip, visiting friends in Marbella, Spain. Lots of sun, swimming, inspiring conversations and delicious food. One day a friend took me to explore the old town of Marbella, I was galloping happily towards Plaza de los Naranjos (Oranges Square) when I saw the text on the shop window: "Happiness looks gorgeous on you." 

Thank you, dear Universe! I think so too!



Olin reisil, Marbellas sõpradel külas. Palju päikest, ujumist, mõnusaid vestlusi ja head sööki. Ühel päeval viis sõber mu autoga Marbella vanalinna avastama, kalpsasin parasjagu rõõmsalt Apelsinide väljaku poole, kui nägin vaateaknal teksti: “Õnnelikkus sobib Sulle suurepäraselt.”

Aitäh, armas Universum! Minu meelest ka!


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neljapäev, 21. september 2023

Be happy today

While designing the life of my dreams, I realized at one point that since there is always an eternal TODAY, the key to a happy life is changing your habits for today.

A quote that came to me during one fall of change resonated wonderfully with this: “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” (John C. Maxwell)

It's so true. By writing and editing just a little every day, the books will mature naturally, eating healthy today ensures healthy habits, moving a little more today, you live a healthy life, dreaming today and taking small steps towards your dreams, most of them will come true soon.


Ole täna õnnelik

Oma unelmate kirjanikuelu disainides sain ühel hetkel aru, et kuna alati on igikestev TÄNA, siis on õnneliku elu võti just nimelt oma tänase päeva harjumuste muutmises.

Sellega resoneerus imeliselt tsitaat, mis mulle ühel muutuste sügisel ette jäi: “Sa ei muuda kunagi oma elu, kuni Sa ei muuda midagi, mida Sa teed iga päev. Sinu edu saladus peitub Sinu igapäevarutiinis.” (John C. Maxwell)

See on nii tõsi. Iga päev õige pisut kirjutades-toimetades küpsevad raamatud valmis märkamatult, täna tervislikult toitumine tagab tervislikud harjumused, täna natuke rohkem liikudes ja samme kogudes eladki tervislikku elu, täna unistades ja unistuste poole tibusamme astudes täitub enamik neist peagi.

neljapäev, 14. september 2023

Slowly is better

Everywhere in the capital I saw posters admonishing to drive at a speed limit of 50 km/h with the text "Enjoy driving, slowly is more enjoyable". Since I had just watched the series "Emily in Paris" on Netflix, where a young man advised the protagonist to drink champagne and enjoy sex more slowly, it resonated... especially since I felt that I had overloaded my days in the capital with various obligations and meetings.


Aeglasemalt on mõnusam

Nägin pealinnas kõikjal 50 km/h piirkiirusega sõitma manitsevaid plakateid tekstiga “Naudi sõitu, aeglasemalt on mõnusam”. Kuna olin just vaadanud Netflixis sarja “Emily in Paris”, mille ühes osas soovitas noormees peategelasel šampanjat ja peategelane noormehel seksi aeglasemalt nautida, resoneerus küll…  seda enam, et tundsingi, et olen oma pealinnapäevad veidi üle koormanud erinevate kohustuste ja kohtumistega.

neljapäev, 7. september 2023

Put your heart into it

The beginning of autumn, I was in the capital and went shopping. I happened to see several times in the biggest department store’s Kiehl's booth a big sign that said: “Love what you do, put your heart into it and you will be rewarded.” (A. Morse, Kiehl’s)


Tee südamega

Sügise algus, olin üle hulga aja rohkem Tallinnas ja sattusin päris mitu korda Tallinna Kaubamajja. Eriti kauniks uuenenud Ilumaailmas juhtusin mitu korda Kiehl’s boksis silmitsi suure sildiga, mis ütles: “Armasta seda, mida teed, pane sinna oma süda ja tasu on helde.” (A. Morse, Kiehl’s)


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Don't drive faster

I was waiting for a good friend in the café to drive to south together. I ordered a coffee and started to drink it when I discovered a piece...