neljapäev, 28. september 2023


 I was on a trip, visiting friends in Marbella, Spain. Lots of sun, swimming, inspiring conversations and delicious food. One day a friend took me to explore the old town of Marbella, I was galloping happily towards Plaza de los Naranjos (Oranges Square) when I saw the text on the shop window: "Happiness looks gorgeous on you." 

Thank you, dear Universe! I think so too!



Olin reisil, Marbellas sõpradel külas. Palju päikest, ujumist, mõnusaid vestlusi ja head sööki. Ühel päeval viis sõber mu autoga Marbella vanalinna avastama, kalpsasin parasjagu rõõmsalt Apelsinide väljaku poole, kui nägin vaateaknal teksti: “Õnnelikkus sobib Sulle suurepäraselt.”

Aitäh, armas Universum! Minu meelest ka!


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