neljapäev, 26. oktoober 2023


There was a storm coming and the sea was already wild. I went to the restaurant by the sea for a coffee and a cake, then I had a little walk. The real fun started when I saw a ship called Storm standing in the harbor.

And the storm came, both in nature and in my life... but in this sense it was also a path full of joy, that a lot became clearer.



Tormi lubati ja meri kiskus juba vahuseks. Läksin mereäärsesse Noa restosse kohvile ja koogile, pärast jalutasin veidi. Päris lõbus hakkas, kui nägin eemal Miiduranna sadamas seismas laeva nimega Torm. 

Ja torm tuli, nii looduses kui ka hinges… aga oli selles mõttes ka rõõmuküllane tee, et palju sai selgemaks.


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neljapäev, 19. oktoober 2023

Together at last

I landed with one of my favorite people in Dublin for a couple of days' city break. The first billboard I saw said: “Together at last.”



Lõpuks koos

Maandusin ühe oma lemmikinimesega Dublinis paaripäevaseks linnapuhkuseks. Esimene reklaamtabloo, mida nägin, ütles: “Lõpuks ometi koos.”

Puhas maagia.


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neljapäev, 12. oktoober 2023

What the world wants

I went on a holistic journey that was super powerful and ended with one of my favorite messages - follow your heart! That same evening I saw a hauntingly beautiful sentence on Instagram: “What the world wants to feel from us is that our consciuosness (the masculine) and heart (the feminine) are free together, flowing in a unified manner. That is the deepest transmission.” (John Wineland)


Mida maailm tahab

Käisin holistilisel rännakul, mis oli ülivõimas ja lõppes ühe mu lemmiksõnumiga - järgi oma südant! Samal õhtul nägin Instagramis lummavalt kaunist lauset: “Mida maailm tahab meilt tunda: et meie teadlikkus (mehelikkus) ja süda (naiselikkus) on koos vabad, voolates ühtselt. See on sügavaim transmissioon.” (John Wineland)


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neljapäev, 5. oktoober 2023


I was walking my dog ​​in the park when I suddenly saw a child's toy - a hippopotamus - in front of me in the middle of the road. I took a picture of it and later looked up the spiritual meaning of the hippopotamus online, as it was not a symbol that came my way very often: “Hippopotamus symbolism is reminding you that if you have become bored with your life, you have the creative power to stir things up and revitalize everything. You can do this by starting new projects, goals, and spiritual connections. In other words, follow the tried and true methods of reaching your goals and focus on the success of your projects. Hippopotamus symbolism also means that you need to take the time to dream your dreams. Thus with this spirit animal’s appearance, you can choose the path that will be right for you to achieve them.”

Quite thought provoking. And I was a bit bored and it was time to set new goals…



Jalutasin koeraga pargis, kui nägin äkki enda ees keset teed lapse mänguasja - jõehobu. Tegin sellest pilti ja hiljem vaatasin netist jõehobu vaimset tähendust, kuna tegu polnud just kuigi sageli mu teele sattunud sümboliga: “Jõehobu meenutab Sulle, et kui Sul on oma elus igav, siis Sul on olemas loomejõud, et ellu särtsu lisada ja seda elavdada. Sa saad seda teha, alustades uute projektide, eesmärkide ja vaimsete ühendustega. Järgi äraproovitud meetodeid oma eesmärkide saavutamiseks ja keskendu oma projektide edule. Jõehobu tuletab ka meelde, et Sul on vaja võtta aega unistada oma unistusi. Selle looma ilmumise abil saad valida raja, mis on Sinu eesmärkide saavutamiseks õige.”

Päris mõtlemapanev. Ja mul oli küll pisut igav ja uute sihtide seadmise aeg…

Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...