neljapäev, 26. oktoober 2023


There was a storm coming and the sea was already wild. I went to the restaurant by the sea for a coffee and a cake, then I had a little walk. The real fun started when I saw a ship called Storm standing in the harbor.

And the storm came, both in nature and in my life... but in this sense it was also a path full of joy, that a lot became clearer.



Tormi lubati ja meri kiskus juba vahuseks. Läksin mereäärsesse Noa restosse kohvile ja koogile, pärast jalutasin veidi. Päris lõbus hakkas, kui nägin eemal Miiduranna sadamas seismas laeva nimega Torm. 

Ja torm tuli, nii looduses kui ka hinges… aga oli selles mõttes ka rõõmuküllane tee, et palju sai selgemaks.


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