neljapäev, 30. november 2023

Tears of laughter

I was in Paris on St Catherine’s day and my friend and I were wandering around. Stepping onto the right bank from one of the bridges, I noticed a sentence on the street: “Garde tes larmes pour pleurer de rire. (Pinpoh)”

Since I don't speak French that well, Google Translate later helped: "Save your tears to cry with laughter."

So beautiful… and impressive, because I had cried my heart out two days earlier on Tuesday morning because it was one of those moments when life seemed too complicated and the future uncertain.

Right after that, we walked coincidentally to Saint Gervais Church, where we found a chapel dedicated to Saint Catherine - so wonderfully significant considering my writer's name and the day!



Olin kadripäeval Pariisis ja lonkisime sõbrannaga ringi. Ühelt sillalt paremale kaldale astunud, märkasin asfaldil lauset: “Garde tes larmes pour pleurer de rire. (Pinpoh)”

Kuna ma prantsuse keelt nii hästi ei oska, aitas hiljem Google Translate: “Säästa oma pisaraid, et naerust nutma hakata.”

Nii ilus… ja kümnesse, sest olin kaks päeva varem teisipäeva hommikul südamest nutnud, kuna oli üks neid hetki, mil elu tundus nii keeruline ja tulevik ebamäärane.

Kohe pärast seda sattusime juhuslikult Saint Gervais kirikusse, kust leidsime Pühale Katariinale pühendatud kabeli - nii imetoredalt märgiline mu kirjanikunime ja päeva arvestades!


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neljapäev, 23. november 2023


I drove to my dear small town and was amazed by the peace there, after spending a few months more time in the capital I felt it especially clearly. I watched the fire in the fireplace, walked by the lake.

My man had found a new toy for the dog, a panda bear. Since I also saw cute panda videos on social media, I googled panda bear's meaning. Result: "Eastern cultures regard Panda as a symbol of peace and luck. When panda appears, you may find your entire outlook on life becoming brighter. The panda spirit often works on the heart chakra to help you show love, including toward yourself. Panda's mantra could well be, “Your feelings matter. Don’t dismiss them.”"



Sõitsin Võrru ja joobusin sealsest rahust, pärast paari rohkem pealinnas veedetud kuud tajusin seda eriti selgelt. Vaatasin kaminas tuld, jalutasin järve ääres.

Mees oli koerale leidnud uue mänguasja, pandakaru. Kuna nägin ka sotsiaalmeedias nunnusid pandavideosid, guugeldasin pandade tähendust. Tulemus: “Idamaades peetakse pandasid rahu ja õnne sümboliks. Kui panda ilmub, siis muutub kogu Su vaade elule helgemaks. Panda töötab südametšakraga, et aidata Sul väljendada armastust, sealhulgas endale. Panda mantra võiks olla: “Sinu tunded on olulised, ära ignoreeri neid.”"


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neljapäev, 16. november 2023

Make some space

I went to the hairdresser's one misty autumn morning and saw a sticker on the post with the text "Let's make some space!”. At first it seemed symbolic already in the sense that, well, let's cut off the old ends of our hair to give new ones a boost. 

I remembered it again a few days later, when a relationship drama rolled up like an unexpected tornado, which pushed old, but unfortunately rather hypocritical friend and girlfriend out of my life. I believe in the saying that when something ends, only for something better to take its place. All that was left was to wait with excitement. Some years later, I can confirm that what replaced them is so much better!


Teeme ruumi

Läksin ühel uduvihmasel sügishommikul juuksuri juurde ning nägin posti peal kleepsu tekstiga “Teeme ruumi”. Tundus algul sümboolne juba selles mõttes, et noh, lõikame vanad juukseotsad eest ära ja anname uutele hoogu. 

Uuesti meenus see kleeps mulle mõni päev hiljem, kui ootamatu tornaadona keris üles suhtedraama, mis lükkas ühe vana, aga selgus, et paraku üsna silmakirjaliku sõbra ja sõbranna koos prauhti mu elust välja. Ma usun ütlusse, et kui miski lõpeb, siis ainult selleks, et miski parem saaks asemele tulla, jäi üle vaid põnevusega oodata. Paar aastat hiljem saan kinnitada, et see, mis asemele tuli, on nii palju parem!


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neljapäev, 9. november 2023

Notice people

I had an idea for a newspaper story in my head, I wrote down these thoughts and before starting to polish the text, I went to walk my dog. In the park, a reflector with the text “Notice people" was floating next to the bench… And that was exactly the focus of my story.


Märka inimest!

Mul käis ühe arvamusloo idee peas ringi, panin need mõtted kirja ja enne teksti lihvima asumist läksin koera jalutama. Pargis vedeles pingi küljes helkur tekstiga “Märka inimest” …Ja umbes selle fookusega mu arvamuslugu oligi.


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neljapäev, 2. november 2023

Spoil yourself

I had just grumbled to my friend one evening that I hadn't seen any clear signs for a long time... and at the same time admitted that, of course, I hadn't asked any specific questions either. 

The next morning, when I was taking a taxi to the old town, I first saw a big advertising poster for smoothies with the text “Spoil yourself", then at the next corner a poster with pictures of two books (yes, still the most joyful path for me!) and before reaching the destination I saw a sticker on the rainwater pipe with the text "Do what you love / work hard / have fun / make history".

Yes, boss!


Tee endale pai 

Olin sõbrannale üks õhtu just nurisenud, et pole ammu ühtegi selget märki näinud… ja tunnistasin samas, et pole muidugi ka konkreetseid küsimusi küsinud.

Järgmisel hommikul taksoga vanalinna sõites vaatas mulle kõigepealt vastu suur smuutide reklaamplakat tekstiga “Tee endale pai”, seejärel järgmisel nurgal plakat kahe raamatu pildiga (jaa, ikka kõige rõõmuküllasem tee!) ning enne sihtkohta jõudmist nägin vihmaveetoru peal kleepsu tekstiga “Do what you love / work hard / have fun / make history”. 

Jah, boss!


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Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...