neljapäev, 28. detsember 2023

Good or bad?

At one point, looking around my bathroom, I discovered that the hairdresser had given me a charcoal black scalp boosting extract and I had bought a charcoal toothpaste myself. This reminded me of a fairy tale from my childhood, where it rained gold on the good girl and pitch rain on the bad girl. Fortunately, there was also body oil with golden glitter, but it immediately made me think about where I have been good and where I have been bad. :) Fortunately, you can choose again at any moment.


Hea või halb?

Avastasin ühel hetkel oma vannitoas ringi vaadates, et juuksur oli andnud mulle süsimusta peanaha turgutamise ekstrakti ning ma ise ostnud süsimusta söega hambapasta. Selle peale meenus mulle muinasjutt lapsepõlvest, kus heale tüdrukule sadas peale kullavihma ja halvale pigivihma. Õnneks leidus sealsamas kuldse sädelusega kehaõli ka, aga pani kohe järele mõtlema, kus olen olnud hea ja kus halb. :) Õnneks saab igal hetkel uuesti valida.


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neljapäev, 21. detsember 2023

Sisterhood of the Rose

I got gorgeous new mystery cards. I thought about the projects I was working on at the moment and took a card about a new book project: “Sisterhood of the Rose. Beauty and devotion. Priestess. Mystic. Teacher.”

So beautiful. And yes, I felt that I am growing in a very beautiful and good direction with this project.



Sain imeilusad uued müstikakaardid. Mõtlesin hetkel töös olevatele projektidele ja võtsin kaarte… värske raamatuprojekti kohta tuli “Roosi õeskond. Ilu ja pühendumine. Preestrinna. Müstik. Õpetaja.”.

Nii ilus. Ja ma tundsin jaa… et ma kasvan väga ilusas ja heas suunas selle projektiga.


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neljapäev, 14. detsember 2023

Abandon the veils

I was on my way to my dear small town again and scrolled Instagram on the way. I saw a beautiful text and image there regarding the coming magical date - 12.12.21 - that said: “Whatever veils you have created to dim your Divinity, it is time to let them go.”

Beautiful. And also made me remember the previous magical date with the same numbers, 12/12/12…


Loobu looridest

Sõitsin jälle Võrru ja vaatasin teel Instagrami. Nägin seal imeilusat teksti ja pilti seoses saabuva maagilise kuupäevaga - 12.12.21 -, mis ütles: “Mis tahes loore Sa oled loonud, et varjata oma jumalikkust, on aeg neil minna lasta.” 

Imeilus. Ja pani mind ka meenutama eelmist maagilist kuupäeva samade numbritega, 12.12.12…


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neljapäev, 7. detsember 2023


I have always considered fireworks as a good sign that I am on the right path or have achieved something important. I took the train to Võru one winter morning and I was seriously shocked when I suddenly saw fireworks sparkling in the sky by the side of the road. At nine thirty on a Wednesday morning?! Obviously, the universe thought that going to Võrru was a particularly good idea this time! And I was otherwise also in a good place with my life, true.



Olen ilutulestikku pidanud ikka heaks märgiks, et olen õigel teel või midagi olulist saavutanud. Asusin ühel talvehommikul rongiga Võru poole teele ja olin ikka tõsiselt jahmunud, kui nägin äkki tee ääres ilutulestikku taevasse sädelemas. Kell pool üheksa kolmapäeva hommikul?! Ilmselgelt oli universumi meelest Võrru suundumine seekord eriti hea idee! Ja eks ma olin oma eluga muidu ka heas kohas.


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Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...