neljapäev, 18. jaanuar 2024


Through a local Facebook group, I found a guy who removed a pile of construction debris from my attic. It turned out that he also builds, and he asked what I was planning to do there. I explained, and he came the next day to sand the old wooden floor. After he left, I was raking in the sand between the logs in the other room, flattening it… when a chess piece came out of the sand. But this man's last name was the same as the chess piece’s!

The universe gave its recommendation and said that building with this man is a path full of joy?!



Leidsin kohaliku Facebooki grupi kaudu ühe mehe, kes viis mu katusealusest korterist hunniku ehitusprahti minema. Selgus, et ta ehitab ka ning ta uuris, mis ma plaanin sinna teha. Selgitasin ning asi lõppes sellega, et ta tuli järgmisel päeval vana laudpõrandat lihvima. Pärast tema lahkumist tuuseldasin teises toas rehaga palkide vahel liiva sees, lükkasin seda tasasemaks… kui liiva seest tuli välja malenupp. Aga selle mehe perekonnanimi oli sama kui sel malenupul!

Universum andis oma soovituse ja ütles, et selle mehega ehitamine on rõõmuküllane tee?!

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