neljapäev, 8. veebruar 2024

Focus on flying

My friend and I had just discussed how not to get stuck in old stories, suffering, energy. And shortly after that I was reminded of a post by Lisa Nichols with the text: “When a butterfly is a butterfly, it's not reliving it's time as a caterpillar. It's focused on flying.” 



Keskendu lendamisele

Olime sõbraga just arutanud, kuidas ei peaks kinni jääma vanadesse lugudesse, kannatustesse, energiasse. Ja varsti pärast seda jäi mulle ette Lisa Nicholsi postitus tekstiga “Kui liblikas on liblikas, siis ta ei ela uuesti läbi oma aega ussikesena. Ta keskendub lendamisele.”


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