neljapäev, 14. märts 2024

Be yourself

My friend and I were drinking wine and discussing the nature of masculine and feminine energy, and I wondered which part of me needed more support at the moment. Afterwards I realized that I had just saved a meme in which mr. Big says to Carrie “Don’t be a bitch.” …and Carrie replies “I’m not. I'm just being myself."

At the same time, looking at what was happening in the world, of course, it seemed that it was the broken and toxic masculine energy that needed healing... and at the same time, my friend who was wise at heart came up with the beautiful idea that as women, we can heal the world by boosting the feminine energy in ourselves.


Ole Sina ise

Jõime sõbrannaga veini ja arutlesime mees- ja naisenergia olemuse üle ning mõtisklesin, kumb minus parasjagu pigem turgutamist vajaks. Pärast sain aru, et olin vahetult enne salvestanud meemi, kus mr. Big ütleb Carriele “Don’t be a bitch.” …ja Carrie vastab “I’m nit. I’m just being myself.”

Samal ajal maailmas toimuvat vaadates tundus muidugi, et tervendamist vajab just nimelt katkine ja toksiline meesenergia… ja samas mu südametargalt sõbrannalt tuli ilus mõte, et naistena saame me seda tervendada läbi endas naisenergia turgutamise.

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