neljapäev, 25. aprill 2024

Turn around

The signs have mostly been rather gentle with me, they have come in the form of texts and pictures. Everyone can ask the universe for signs, but gentle ones. But one Sunday morning, after half a week of doubting whether to go to the capital or not, I was just planning to leave, when one of the pipe connections had given way and there was a flood in the corridor, it was raining from the ceiling! My apartments remained dry, so I left the neighbor to dry their children's room, I saw that nothing more could be done and still started to drive towards capital. But just a few kilometers outside of town, the right rearview mirror started fluttering strangely and finally came off altogether. It is not very comfortable to drive hundreds of kilometers on the highway like this, the rear view mirror is quite important. I thought a bit, realized that yes, clear signs - and then who else should listen to them, if not me, who has even written a book about them - and turned back.

At first I wondered why, but the evening at home town was so great, the first barbecue of this spring with friends and several meaningful meetings, it would have definitely been more boring in the capital, so in the end I was very happy!


Pööra tagasi

Märgid on enamasti pigem leebed olnud minuga, pigem tekstide ja piltide kujul tulnud - seda saab universumilt paluda ka, et palun märke, aga leebeid. Aga ühel pühapäevahommikul, kui olin pool nädalat praadinud, kas sõita pealinna või mitte, plaanisin just minema hakata, kui kõigepealt oli üks toruühendus järele andnud ja koridoris veeuputus, laest sadas vihma! Minu korterid jäid kuivaks, jätsin naabrinaise ta lastetuba kuivatama, vaatasin, et rohkem midagi teha ei saa ja hakkasin siiski Tallinna poole sõitma. Aga vaid mõni kilomeeter Võrust väljas hakkas parem tahavaatepeegel kummaliselt laperdama ning tuli lõpuks üldse ära. Sadu kilomeetreid pole maanteel niiviisi kuigi mugav sõita, tahavaatepeegel on möödasõitude aspektist päris oluline. Mõtlesin natuke, sain aru, et jaa, selged märgid - ja kes neid siis veel peaks kuulama, kui mitte mina, kes ma olen neist isegi raamatu kirjutanud - ning pöörasin tagasi. 

Algul mõistatasin, miks, aga õhtu Võrus oli nii supertore, selle kevade esimene grill sõpradega ja mitu tähenduslikku kohtumist, pealinnas oleks kindlasti igavam olnud, nii et lõpuks olin väga õnnelik!

neljapäev, 18. aprill 2024

Engagement dress

I like to sort my wardrobe from time to time and donate things I no longer use to charity. On one such occasion, a skirt made of beautiful fabric with pics of heart-shaped chocolate boxes, champagne glasses, engagement rings, love letters, hearts, red roses, lipsticks and kissing lips went into the donation bag.

I bought this dress just before I got engaged. At some point, when I was already married, I thought that maybe it would be better as a skirt, so I took it to seamstress. And now it seemed that this is still not my skirt, although the fabric is wonderful. We attract what we are and what is happening inside us? And even though the thing may continue to be liked, it sometimes just doesn't seem right in the next stage of life?!



Mulle meeldib aeg-ajalt riidekapis harvendustööd teha ja asju, mida ise enam ei kasuta, heategevuseks annetada. Ühel sellisel korral rändas annetuste kotti imeilusast kangast seelik, millel ilutsesid südamekujulised šokolaadikarbid, šampanjaklaasid, kihlasõrmused, armastuskirjad, südamed, punased roosid, huulepulgad ja musihuuled. 

Ostsin selle kleidi enne kihlumist. Millalgi juba abielus olles tundus, et ehk oleks see parem seelikuna, lasin ümber teha. Ja nüüd tundus, et see pole ikka minu seelik, ehkki kangas on imekaunis. Ikkagi tõmbame ligi seda, mis oleme ja mis meie sees toimub? Ja ehkki asi võib meeldida edasi, ei tundu ta teises eluetapis lihtsalt enam see?!

neljapäev, 11. aprill 2024

Float like a jellyfish

I was on a trip with my friend and we saw large, spectacular jellyfish floating in the Mediterranean in two cities in a row. Later, I looked on the internet for their spiritual meaning: be flexible, go with the flow, you can make plans, but don't be rigid on every choice you make

It was a nice supportive sign, because our trip was like a nice flow, everything went smoothly as if by itself.


Hõlju kui meduus

Olin sõbrannaga reisil ja nägime kahes linnas järjest suuri efektseid meduuse Vahemeres hõljumas. Vaatasin hiljem internetist huvi pärast nende vaimset tähendust: ole paindlik, mine vooluga kaasa, Sa võid teha plaane, aga ära ole neis jäigalt kinni.

Mõjus mõnusalt toetava märgina, sest meie reis kulgeski mõnusas vooluga kaasa minemises, kõik sujus kui iseenesest.

neljapäev, 4. aprill 2024

Invitation to the dance floor

I went with my friends to the ecstatic dance party, where, among other things,  the birthday of one of the organizers was celebrated. Leaving the city along the highway, I turned my head to look at the Lincona floors advertising poster, which has offered synchronicities in the same place for years. This time there was written: "We invite you to the dance floor, it's still a jubilee!”


Kutsume tantsupõrandale

Sõitsin sõbrannadega ekstaatilise tantsu peole, millega muu hulgas tähistati ka ühe korraldaja sünnipäeva. Pärnu maanteed mööda linnast väljudes keerasin pead, et vaadata Lincona reklaamplakatit, mis on sama koha peal aastaid sünkroonsustega hiilanud. Seekord oli seal kirjas: “Kutsume tantsupõrandale, ikkagi juubel!”

Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...