neljapäev, 18. aprill 2024

Engagement dress

I like to sort my wardrobe from time to time and donate things I no longer use to charity. On one such occasion, a skirt made of beautiful fabric with pics of heart-shaped chocolate boxes, champagne glasses, engagement rings, love letters, hearts, red roses, lipsticks and kissing lips went into the donation bag.

I bought this dress just before I got engaged. At some point, when I was already married, I thought that maybe it would be better as a skirt, so I took it to seamstress. And now it seemed that this is still not my skirt, although the fabric is wonderful. We attract what we are and what is happening inside us? And even though the thing may continue to be liked, it sometimes just doesn't seem right in the next stage of life?!



Mulle meeldib aeg-ajalt riidekapis harvendustööd teha ja asju, mida ise enam ei kasuta, heategevuseks annetada. Ühel sellisel korral rändas annetuste kotti imeilusast kangast seelik, millel ilutsesid südamekujulised šokolaadikarbid, šampanjaklaasid, kihlasõrmused, armastuskirjad, südamed, punased roosid, huulepulgad ja musihuuled. 

Ostsin selle kleidi enne kihlumist. Millalgi juba abielus olles tundus, et ehk oleks see parem seelikuna, lasin ümber teha. Ja nüüd tundus, et see pole ikka minu seelik, ehkki kangas on imekaunis. Ikkagi tõmbame ligi seda, mis oleme ja mis meie sees toimub? Ja ehkki asi võib meeldida edasi, ei tundu ta teises eluetapis lihtsalt enam see?!

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