neljapäev, 20. juuni 2024


I was writing and thinking at the beginning of June and suddenly I realized that I have seen so many pink hydrangeas around me lately. These are the flowers of the beginning of June, aren't they, but of course I googled what is their spiritual meaning - I got the answer that the hydrangea represents gratitude, grace and beauty, as well as abundance. In Europe, they have also been associated with arrogance and boastfulness, as this plant can produce many flowers but very few seeds.

I did get food for thought - I was in a bit of a difficult place at the moment and I had also just asked myself if one of the reasons for these difficulties could have been that I had become a bit arrogant in the meantime? Humble is a particularly beautifully mellow-sounding word in English.



Kirjutasin-mõtisklesin juuni algul ja äkki sain aru, et olen enda ümber näinud nii palju roosasid hortensiaid. Eks need ongi juuni alguse lilled, aga guugeldasin siis muidugi huvi pärast nende vaimset tähendust - sain vastuseks, et hortensia esindab tänulikkust, väärikust ja ilu, samuti küllust, tänu oma priiskavale õitevahule. Euroopas on küll seostatud neid ka arrogantsuse ja hooplemisega, kuna see taim suudab toota palju õisi, aga vähe seemneid.

Sain mõtlemisainet küll - olin parasjagu natuke keerulises kohas ja olin endalt ka just küsinud, kas üks nende raskuste põhjus võis olla see, et olin vahepeal natuke ülbeks läinud? Humble - alandlik või tagasihoidlik - on inglise keeles eriti kaunilt mahedakõlaline sõna.

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