neljapäev, 4. juuli 2024

We still have time

After a long time, things were so bad that I even had suicidal thoughts. One such morning at the bus station, a drunken group was sitting next to me, where someone hummed the pop song "We still have time"! 

I remembered that I heard it after a long, long time one day also when I randomly turned on the radio... A sign.


Meil on aega veel

Üle pika aja olid asjad nii hullusti, et lausa suitsiidimõtted tikkusid ligi. Ühel sellisel hommikul istus bussijaamas mu kõrval napsune seltskond, kust keegi ümises Põhja-Tallinna laulu “Meil on aega veel”! 

Mulle meenus selle peale, et kuulsin seda üle pika-pika aja ükspäev juhuslikult raadiot avades ka… Märk.

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Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...