neljapäev, 29. august 2024

Body signs

It always amazes me how the soul speaks through the body. 

I was a bit anxious from the general panic regarding price increases and looking at my personal finances, it seemed that maybe after many years of pleasant life as a writer, I should go back to a real work with a real salary. As soon as I applied for a couple of positions, I was struck by a mysterious pain in my right heel… Right foot troubles are associated with not wanting to move on with work, career and other issues associated with male energy, while the left side of the body is associated with relationships, female energy, and women.


Keha märgid

Mind jahmatab ikka ja jälle, kuidas hing räägib keha kaudu. 

Olin ka ikkagi natuke ärevil üldisest paanikast seoses suurte hinnatõusudega ning isiklikele rahaasjadele silma vaadates tundus, et ehk peaks ka pärast seitsmeaastast mõnusat kirjanikuelu uuesti mingile päris, palgaga tööle minema. Kohe, kui olin paari kohta kandideerinud, tabas mind müstiline parema kanna valu… parema jala hädasid seostatakse soovimatusega edasi liikuda töö, eneseteostuse ja muude meesenergiaga seotud valdkondades, samas kui vasak kehapool on seotud suhete, naisenergia ja naistega.

neljapäev, 22. august 2024

Diamonds are a girl’s best friends

It took me some time before I learned to really value myself and weed out toxic types from my life. 

I looked back and realized that diamonds are really a girl's best friends and gifts tell a lot about how much another person values ​​you - the only men in my life who were really worth something were the ones who gave beautiful and valuable jewelry. Special greetings to the two who also proposed to me and gave me diamonds.


Briljandid on tüdruku parimad sõbrad

Mul läks ikka hulk aega, enne kui ma end päriselt väärtustama õppisin ning toksilised tüübid oma elust välja rookisin. 

Vaatasin tagasi ja sain aru, et briljandid on tõesti tüdruku parimad sõbrad ja kingitused räägivad palju sellest, kui palju teine inimene Sind väärtustab - ainsad peikad mu elus, kes päriselt midagi väärt olid, olidki need, kes kinkisid kauneid ja väärtuslikke ehteid. Eraldi tervitused neile kahele, kes mulle ka abieluettepaneku tegid ja briljante kinkisid.

neljapäev, 15. august 2024

Heart-shaped flower bed

There was a large heart-shaped flower bed behind my house in capital. I arrived there one summer day, quite exhausted, hoping to rest and recover… and discovered that the heating line was being renovated behind the house, so a trench had been dug through our heart-shaped flower bed.

What a coincidence - in the same week, my former boyfriend got married, whom I didn't want myself, but the ego would like the old boyfriends to stay missing us forever. :)


Südamekujuline lillepeenar

Mu linnakodu maja taga oli suur südamekujuline lillepeenar. Saabusin ühel suvepäeval linna, üsna ribadeks, lootuses puhata ja taastuda… ja avastasin, et maja taga käib soojatrassi uuendamine, nii et läbi meie südamekujulise lillepeenra oli kraav kaevatud.

Milline kokkusattumus - samal nädalal abiellus mu kunagine peika, keda ma küll ise ei tahtnud, aga teadagi, ego tahaks, et vanad peikad jääksid meid alatiseks taga nutma. :)

neljapäev, 8. august 2024


After Viljandi folk music festival, I was heading back home on Sunday morning feeling a bit thoughtful. Before getting on the bus, I noticed that "Amis", French for friends, was written in red on the bench at the bus station.

The most joyous road… I was a little sad that more friends didn't show up for the festival, but thankful for those who came and with whom we had a wonderful time.



Sõitsin pärast Viljandi folki pühapäeva hommikul natuke mõtlikuna tagasi koju Võrru. Enne bussile astumist märkasin, et bussijaama pingile oli punase markeriga kirjutatud “Amis”, prantsuse keeles sõbrad.

Kõige rõõmuküllasem tee… ma olin natuke kurb, et sellele folgile rohkem sõpru kohale ei jõudnud, aga tänulik nende eest, kes tulid ja kellega oli imetore.

neljapäev, 1. august 2024

A guarded heart

I was walking home from the music festival in the evening, when I saw a sign with a red heart protected by palms above and below.

Somehow it felt so good. That my heart is carefully guarded and taken care of.


Hoitud süda

Jalutasin Viljandi folgi esimese päeva õhtul festivalilt kodu poole, kui nägin valgusreklaami punase südamega, mida kaitsesid ülevalt ja alt peopesad.

Kuidagi nii hea tunne tuli. Et mu süda on hoolega hoitud.

Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...