neljapäev, 15. august 2024

Heart-shaped flower bed

There was a large heart-shaped flower bed behind my house in capital. I arrived there one summer day, quite exhausted, hoping to rest and recover… and discovered that the heating line was being renovated behind the house, so a trench had been dug through our heart-shaped flower bed.

What a coincidence - in the same week, my former boyfriend got married, whom I didn't want myself, but the ego would like the old boyfriends to stay missing us forever. :)


Südamekujuline lillepeenar

Mu linnakodu maja taga oli suur südamekujuline lillepeenar. Saabusin ühel suvepäeval linna, üsna ribadeks, lootuses puhata ja taastuda… ja avastasin, et maja taga käib soojatrassi uuendamine, nii et läbi meie südamekujulise lillepeenra oli kraav kaevatud.

Milline kokkusattumus - samal nädalal abiellus mu kunagine peika, keda ma küll ise ei tahtnud, aga teadagi, ego tahaks, et vanad peikad jääksid meid alatiseks taga nutma. :)

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