neljapäev, 16. jaanuar 2025

Get your glow on

I tried exciting new hologram therapy and experienced the universe's subtle sense of humor, because the therapist looked like Keanu Reeves' Neo from the "Matrix" movie. The therapy style also resonated with it, and later it turned out during the conversation that the therapist’s roots are in the same village as mine... in a farm called Neo's . :)

The next day after that, the Plummé beauty oil I had ordered arrived… and when I opened the box, I was greeted with the text: “Get your glow on!”


Pane end särama

Proovisin oma kunagise kolleegi toel põnevat uut hologrammiteraapiat - universumi peene huumorimeele järjekordne väljendus, sest terapeut nägi välja nagu Keanu Reevesi Neo “Matrixi” filmist ning vähe sellest, et teraapiastiil resoneerus sellega, selgus pärast vesteldes, et tema juured on minuga samas külas… Neo talus. :)

Järgmisel päeval pärast seda saabus Plummé iluõli, mille olin tellinud… ja karpi avades tervitas mind tekst: “Get your glow on!”

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