neljapäev, 9. jaanuar 2025

Praying, cooking & gardening

I was going to Malta and I came across a Facebook group where I read about the Catherine’s monastery on the island. As I had just been thinking about enjoyable small daily activities after holidays and in addition to cooking I had been supporting my friend by phone, the following quote inspired me a lot: “Nuns' daily life revolved around praying, cooking, gardening and cleaning. Living in extremely ascetic conditions. Even today, the monastery is active, although there are only around ten nuns and they are all elderly. The head of the monastery, Sister Michelina is a friendly woman of about 80 who can neither read nor write, but has dedicated her life to helping people. She talks about how a large part of her day is spent on the phone supporting people. Sister Michelina patiently and compassionately listens to the concerns of those in need and gives them advice on how to proceed.”

In Malta, I also came across the St. Catherine's church there and felt the joy of recognition, as always.


Palvetamine, toiduvalmistamine & aiatööd

Olin Maltale minemas ning sattusin ühte sellega seotud FB gruppi, kust lugesin saarel asuvast Katariina kloostrist. Kuna ma olin just mõtisklenud pärast pühi nauditavatest väikestest igapäevastest tegevustest ning kokkamise kõrvalt reisil olnud sõbrannale telefonitsi toeks olnud, inspireeris järgnev tsitaat mind väga; “Nunnade igapäevane elu keerles palvetamise, toiduvalmistamise, aiatööde ja koristamise ümber. Elati äärmiselt askeetlikes tingimustes. Ka täna on klooster tegev, kuigi nunnasid on ainult kümne ümber ning nad on köik eakad. Kloostriülem õde Michelina on sõbralik umbes 80-aastane naine, kes ei oska küll ei lugeda ega kirjutada, kuid on oma elu pühendanud inimeste aitamisele. Ta räägib, kuidas suur osa tema päevast möödub telefoni otsas inimesi nöustades. Õde Michelina kuulab abivajajate muresid kannatlikult ning kaastundlikult ning annab neile nõu, kuidas edasi minna.”

Sattusin Maltal ka sealsesse Katariina kirikusse ja tundsin äratundmisrõõmu, nagu ikka.

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