neljapäev, 22. detsember 2022

Let’s stay together

Sometimes you get angry with someone close to you. On one such occasion, I walked out the door and took a taxi. And then - first we stopped behind a traffic light, right next to a big mental health promotion poster with the text "Let's stay together", then I saw the Children's Fund advertisement "Together is easier".

Pretty clear signs as to which is the most joyous path…


Püsime koos

Mõnikord ikka vihastad mõne lähedase peale. Ühel sellisel korral astusin uksest välja ja sõitsin taksoga minema. Ja siis - kõigepeal peatusime foori taga, täpselt suure vaimse tervise hoidmist propageeriva plakati kõrval, millel tekst “Püsime koos”, seejärel nägin Lastefondi reklaami “Koos on kergem”.

Üsna selged märgid, milline on kõige rõõmuküllasem tee…

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Don't drive faster

I was waiting for a good friend in the café to drive to south together. I ordered a coffee and started to drink it when I discovered a piece...