neljapäev, 15. detsember 2022

Golden raspberries

I have a lot of respect for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial people, but I have been repeatedly told by signs that this is not my path. Another fun example: I was doing a business plan as homework for a college entrepreneurship course when my husband brought me a bowl of fruit salad. I was head over heels in my work and didn't even notice it at first, but when I started eating it later, it suddenly seemed significant, because probably inspired by the world of cinema (where Golden Raspberry awards are given to the worst films and performances), the appearance of raspberries has also become a bit of a sign for me that I'm not on the best way (poor raspberries, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for them now, because I really like them too!). However, cherries ("cherry on the cake", etc) are for me associated with good signs, creme de la creme and appreciation.


Kuldsed vaarikad

Ma austan tohutult ettevõtjaid ja ettevõtlikke inimesi, aga mulle on märgid korduvalt näidanud, et see pole minu tee. Veel üks lõbus näide: tegin parasjagu ülikooli ettevõtluskursuse jaoks kodutööna äriplaani, kui mu abikaasa tõi mulle kausikese puuviljasalatiga. Ma olin töösse süvenenud ega pannud seda algul tähelegi, aga kui hiljem seda sööma hakkasin, tundus see äkki märgiline, sest ilmselt filmimaailmast inspireerituna (kus antakse Kuldse Vaarika auhindu halvimatele filmidele ja osatäitmistele) on vaarikate ilmumine saanud mu jaoks ka natuke märgiks, et ma pole just parimal teel (vaesed vaarikad, mul hakkas neist praegu lausa kahju, sest nad tegelikult väga maitsevad mulle!). Kirsid aga (“kirss tordil” jne) on mulle hea märk, seostudes elu koorekihi ja tunnustusega.

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