neljapäev, 8. detsember 2022

Avalanche of signs

I took an entrepreneurship course as one of the university's compulsory courses, even though I didn't really want or need it, but I had to choose something from the compulsory subjects. The professor was nice and the course was still useful, but the signs immediately started to show me that no, this is not your direction! 

I also had deja vu moments with the time seven or eight years ago when I tried to take another entrepreneurship course: on the first attempt I gave up when my newly started promising relationship immediately broke up, on the second attempt I passed the course, but it led to an incredible amount of drama in relationships and unhappiness. This time it was all lighter, but the signs were still active. Things were falling apart, I broke several things, my energy level was low, the dog had health problems and relationships were not exactly shining.



Võtsin ülikooli kohustuslike valikainete seast ettevõtluskursuse, ehkki ma tegelikult väga ei tahtnud ega vajanud seda, aga pidin kohustuslikest ainetest midagi valima. Õppejõud oli tore ja muidugi kursusest ikka kasu ka, aga märgid asusid igatahes kohe mulle näitama, et eiii, see pole Sinu suund! 

Deja vu oli ka seitsme-kaheksa aasta taguse ajaga, kui proovisin võtta töötukassa ettevõtluskursust: esimesel katsel loobusin, kui mu värskelt alanud paljutõotav suhe kohe vastu taevast lendas, teisel katsel läbisin kursuse, aga see tõi kaasa uskumatu hulga draamasid suhetes ja muud ebaõnne. Seekord oli kergem, aga märgid aktiivsed ikkagi. Asjad lagunesid, mitu asja pillasin kildudeks, enda energiatase oli madal, koeral tervisemured ja suhted ka just ei säranud.

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