neljapäev, 13. aprill 2023

Magical garden

I was picking up debris from my garden under vines next to a freshly built terrace, and then I found a large metal hoop. I had just thought a few days ago that I should find something like this somewhere to create a dream catcher - another nice "Ask and you shall be given!" story! Especially since the shops were closed due to the pandemic.

Of course, I thought further - what if I had such a magical garden that whatever I wished for, it would immediately materialize there? What would I like?


Maagiline aed

Korjasin Võrus oma aiast värskelt valminud terrassi kõrvalt viinapuuheki alt prahti ning leidsin siis suure metallist võru. Olin just paar päeva tagasi mõelnud, et peaksin kuskilt leidma midagi sellist, et sõlmida üks unenäopüüdja - järjekordne tore “Küsi ja Sulle antakse!” lugu! Seda toredam, et poed olid pandeemia tõttu parasjagu kinni.

Muidugi mõtlesin edasi - mis oleks, kui mul olekski selline maagiline aed, et mida tahes ma soovin, see kohe materialiseerub sinna? Mida ma sooviksin?

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