neljapäev, 29. juuni 2023

Get rich

I was in Tallinn and after a long time I saw a big advertising board, where I had used to come across meaningful messages so many times. This time there was a word play with a message: "Get rich!"

My financial situation was not the best in the world at the moment, I was a bit worried... and at the same time, my new book had just been published, so there was hope for a brighter future.


Tatsa rikkaks

Olin Tallinnas ja nägin üle pika aja Lincona suurt reklaamtahvlit, kus vanasti nii mõnigi kord tähenduslikke sõnumeid kohtasin. Seekord oli seal tekst: “Tatsa rikkaks!”

Finantsseis polnud hetkel just maailma parim, olin natuke puuduseenergias… ja samas oli uus raamat just ilmunud, nii et terendas lootus helgemale tulevikule.


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neljapäev, 22. juuni 2023


It was the day when my new novel came from the print house, when I saw a meme with a photo of Leonardo DiCaprio raising glass of champagne, with a text: “Cheers to the people who love us, the losers who lost us, and the lucky bastards who get to meet us.”



Oli mu uue raamatu ilmumise päev, kui nägin meemi šampanjaklaasi tõstva Leonardo DiCaprio pildiga, juures tekst: “Inimeste terviseks, kes meid armastavad, luuserite terviseks, kes meid kaotasid, ja õnnelike kaabakate terviseks, kellele langeb osaks võimalus meiega kohtuda.”

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neljapäev, 15. juuni 2023


I was in the middle of the chaos of sending a new book to print house - at least it reminded me of the chaos, what was going on in my head, all the questions what I needed to change, add, take away… And then I saw Nausicaa Twila's sentence on Instagram: “If you can take this chaos and make it into art, then you, my dear, are an alchemist.”

Best compliment and encouragement!



Olin uue raamatu trükkisaatmise kaose keskel - vähemalt meenutas kaost mu peas toimuv, kõik need küsimused, mida peaks veel viimasel hetkel muutma, lisama, ära võtma… Ja siis nägin Instagramis Nausicaa Twila lauset: “Kui Sa suudad võtta selle kaose ja teha sellest kunsti, siis Sina, mu kallis, oled alkeemik.”

Parim kompliment ja julgustus!


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neljapäev, 8. juuni 2023


I played with the idea of ​​moving, but hesitated between two places. I had the keys to both the old and the new apartment. One day when I was locking the door at the old place, I looked at the key… I guess the brand was actually something else? But it was written in such a way that I read the word "Wrong" on the key and started laughing because... my gut told me the same, this house is wrong.



Mängisin mõttega kolida, aga kõhklesin veel kahe koha vahel. Mul olid nii vana kui ka uue kodu võtmed. Ühel päeval vanas kohas ust lukku keerates langes mu pilk juhuslikult võtmele… kaubamärk oli tegelikult vist küll midagi muud, Yale? Aga selle kirjaviis selline, et lugesin võtmelt sõna “Vale” ja hakkasin naerma, sest… sisetunne ütles sama, see maja on vale.


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neljapäev, 1. juuni 2023

In the garden and on the terrace

On the same day, when I moved to a new home with a garden and a terrace, I saw a shop’s catalog, on the cover of which I found a large text: "Let's go sporting outdoors! Let's play in the garden! Let's relax on the terrace!"

Great guidelines for a happy life.


Aias ja terrassil

Samal päeval, kui kolisin uude aia ja terrassiga koju, kutsus mu kätt enda poole Hansaposti kataloog, mille kaanelt leidsin suure teksti: “Spordime õues! Askeldame aias! Puhkame terrassil!”

Suurepärased suunised õnnelikuks eluks.


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Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...