neljapäev, 28. märts 2024

A like alpha

The Saturday after a Friday night party that went quite crazy. I drank coffee by the lake and chatted with my friend on the phone. Driving back from there, I saw boards in someone’s yard, put together, so they formed a letter A. Thinking about the topics that we had discussed, I laughed to myself - what is it now: does the Universe want to say that from now on, only alpha men... or send me to Anonymous Alcoholics? Since the alcohol amounts were quite modest though, I was hoping for the first.


A nagu alfa

Ühe üsna rajult lõppenud reedeõhtuse peo järgne laupäev. Jõin järve ääres kohvi ja lobisesin telefonitsi sõbrannaga. Sealt tagasi sõites nägin ühes hoovis suure A tähe kujuliselt kokku löödud laudu. Jutuks olnud teemadele mõeldes naersin endamisi, kumb see nüüd on: kas Universum tahab öelda, et edaspidi ainult A-kategooria mehed… või siis mind Anonüümsetesse Alkohoolikutesse saata. Kuna alkoholikogused olid siiski üsna tagasihoidlikud, lootsin esimest.

neljapäev, 21. märts 2024

Play, have fun, repeat

I must have been subconsciously looking for a sign when I noticed an advertisement in the news with the text: “Winnerz: Play. Have fun. Repeat.”

With pleasure! :)


Mängi, lõbutse, korda

Otsisin vist alateadlikult märki, kui märkasin uudiste vahel reklaami tekstiga: “Winnerz: Mängi. Lõbutse. Korda.”

Rõõmuga! :)

neljapäev, 14. märts 2024

Be yourself

My friend and I were drinking wine and discussing the nature of masculine and feminine energy, and I wondered which part of me needed more support at the moment. Afterwards I realized that I had just saved a meme in which mr. Big says to Carrie “Don’t be a bitch.” …and Carrie replies “I’m not. I'm just being myself."

At the same time, looking at what was happening in the world, of course, it seemed that it was the broken and toxic masculine energy that needed healing... and at the same time, my friend who was wise at heart came up with the beautiful idea that as women, we can heal the world by boosting the feminine energy in ourselves.


Ole Sina ise

Jõime sõbrannaga veini ja arutlesime mees- ja naisenergia olemuse üle ning mõtisklesin, kumb minus parasjagu pigem turgutamist vajaks. Pärast sain aru, et olin vahetult enne salvestanud meemi, kus mr. Big ütleb Carriele “Don’t be a bitch.” …ja Carrie vastab “I’m nit. I’m just being myself.”

Samal ajal maailmas toimuvat vaadates tundus muidugi, et tervendamist vajab just nimelt katkine ja toksiline meesenergia… ja samas mu südametargalt sõbrannalt tuli ilus mõte, et naistena saame me seda tervendada läbi endas naisenergia turgutamise.

neljapäev, 7. märts 2024

A noble fight

I saw a picture on Facebook of an American mink. I googled its spiritual meaning: the answer I got was that it is considered a predictor of good hunting and fishing luck; mink also shows how to walk in the spiritual and physical world with joy and playfulness, along with a balance of fighting for a noble cause. 

There was already a week of war in Ukraine, where people were fighting for their homeland, so quite up-to-date…


Üllas võitlus

Nägin Facebookis pilti Ameerika naaritsast ehk mingist. Guugeldasin huvi pärast tema spirituaalset tähendust: vastuseks sain, et teda peetakse hea jahi- ja kalaõnne ennustajaks; ta näitab ka, kuidas kõndida vaimses ja füüsilises maailmas rõõmsalt ja mänguliselt, tasakaalus ülla põhjuse eest võitlemisega.

Ukrainas kestis juba nädal aega sõda, kus inimesed võitlesid oma kodumaa eest, nii et päris ajakohane…

Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...