neljapäev, 25. juuli 2024

Moving with a happy ending

I brought most of the things from my small town home to the capital and planned to start sorting them in the evening. Before that I went to my grandmother's place, on the way back from there, my eyes suddenly caught the text "moving with a happy ending" on an advertising poster by the road.

What a coincidence! And such a good sign!


Õnneliku lõpuga kolimine

Tõin oma väikelinnakodust enamiku asju pealinna ja plaanisin õhtul neid sorteerima hakata. Enne sõitsin vanaema juurde, tagasiteel sealt tabas mu pilk ootamatult Pirita tee ääres reklaamplakatil teksti “õnneliku lõpuga kolimine”.

Milline kokkusattumus! Ja nii hea märk!

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