neljapäev, 30. märts 2023

In another life

I saw a text from @jmstormquotes that made me think of people with whom I have felt very clearly that they are so special that this is definitely not the first life we ​​are together: “And maybe I loved you in another life and I promised you that I would find you, somewhere on the other side. Or maybe you've always been in my subconscious. Nudging me this way and pulling me that until I found you. I don’t know but I do know I’ve felt you more than one life should allow.”

Pure gratitude.


Teises elus

Nägin @jmstormquotes teksti, mis pani mind mõtlema inimestele, kelle puhul ma olen väga selgelt tundnud, et nad on nii omad, et see pole kindlasti esimene elu, kus koos oleme: “Ja võib-olla ma armastasin Sind ühes teises elus ja lubasin Sulle, et ma leian Su üles, kuskil seal teisel pool. Või siis Sa oled alati olnud mu alateadvuses. Nügides mind selles suunas ja tõmmates, kuni ma leidsin Su jälle. Ma ei tea, aga ma tean, et ma olen Sind tundnud rohkem, kui üks elu lubab.”

Puhas tänutunne.

neljapäev, 23. märts 2023


I was at home one Wednesday evening when the package I ordered from IKEA arrived. They had put my things in a big box with the big text "The Master" on it. This was quite an amusing sign for me, as the word means both master (and to me it means someone who has honed the art of living to mastery) and master’s degree. I was halfway through my doctoral studies in literature and found myself thinking that I might leave it because I did't really need to have doctor’s degree, the existing master’s was enough. And then a shipment with such a message? SO nice, I was obviously on the right track with my thoughts. :)



Olin ühel kolmapäevaõhtul kodus, kui saabus IKEAst tellitud pakk. Nad olid mu asjad pannud suurde kasti, millel ilutses suur tekst “The Master”. See oli minu jaoks päris lõbustav märk, sest see sõna tähendab nii meistrit (ja see tähendab minu jaoks inimest, kes on elamise kunsti meisterlikkuseni lihvinud) kui ka magistrit. Mina aga olin poole peal kirjanduse doktorantuuriga ning leidnud end mõtlemast, et jätta ehk pooleli, sest mul pole seda doktorikraadi tegelikult vaja, piisab olemasolevast magistrist. Ja siis sellise sõnumiga saadetis? NIi tore, olin ilmselgelt oma mõtetega õigel teel. :)

neljapäev, 16. märts 2023

All the love

It was a beautiful sunny spring day, the last day (before next lockdown) when cafes and shopping centers were open. I went to buy wine glasses and then had a coffee in a cafe that was new to me. When I got out of there to walk home, a song came out loud from the speakers with the words: "I'm gonna give you all my love…”

I have the impression that if you shower yourself with nice experiences, that's exactly how the soul feels.


Kogu armastus

Oli imeilus päikeseline kevadtalvine päev, viimane avatud kohvikute ja kaubanduskeskustega enne järjekordseid piiranguid. Käisin koju veiniklaase ostmas ning siis ühes enda jaoks uues kohvikus kohvil. Sealt väljudes, et koju jalutada, tuli kõlaritest valjult laulurida: “Ma annan Sulle kogu oma armastuse…” 

Mulle on jäänud mulje, et kui end toredate elamustega poputada, siis täpselt nii hing tänutäheks tunneb jah.

neljapäev, 9. märts 2023

Make the most of the moment

Small pleasures and rituals add a lot of color to life. One of those that I really love is a delicious frothy café latte in a nice coffee shop. After being forced to stay at home during pandemic, I galloped enthusiastically to the cafe for coffee and cake… stopping only to take a picture and laugh at the big Paulig ad on the side of the road that said: “The right attitude and a decent coffee will go a long way. Make the most of the moment.”


Võta hetkest parim

Väikesed naudingud ja rituaalid lisavad elule palju värvi. Üks selliseid, mida ma väga armastan, on üks hõrk piimavahune café latte kena kohvikus. Pärast pandeemia-aegset sunnitud kodus olemist kappasin suure entusiasmiga kohviku poole, et kohvi ja kooki nautida… peatudes vaid selleks, et pildistada ja naerda suurelt tee äärde sätitud Pauligi reklaami, mis ütles: “Õige suhtumise ja väärt kohviga jõuab kaugele. Võta hetkest parim.”

neljapäev, 2. märts 2023


I came to capital and arrived home quite tired. And then the fireworks started in the distance outside the window... I have always interpreted fireworks as victory, recognition, a pat on the back from the universe, so I looked at it with joy like a little child.



Tulin Võrust Tallinna, sealsesse koju jõudsin üsna väsinuna. Ja siis hakkas akna taga eemal ilutulestik… Ma olen ilutulestikku alati võidu, tunnustuse, universumi õlalepatsutusena tõlgendanud, nii et vaatasin seda rõõmustades nagu väike laps.

Don't drive faster

I was waiting for a good friend in the café to drive to south together. I ordered a coffee and started to drink it when I discovered a piece...