neljapäev, 27. aprill 2023


I saw a quote from Paulo Coelho's "Zahir" on Instagram this Sunday morning: “Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.”

I had a meeting on that afternoon that suddenly pushed my recently quite quiet life into a more active mode. Like a wind blowing in the sails.



Nägin pühapäeva hommikul Instagramis tsitaati Paulo Coelho “Zahirist”: “Mitte kõik tormid ei tule Su elu segama. Mõned tulevad Su teed puhtaks pühkima.”

Samal pärastlõunal toimus üks kohtumine, mis lükkas mu tükk aega vaikselt triivinud elule äkki palju rohkem elu sisse. Nagu tuul seni tühjalt rippunud purjedesse.

neljapäev, 20. aprill 2023

Let go

I overthought and felt heavy... and then I saw a picture of two men in the Facebook group ZEN, one of them with a cloud over his head with a ribbon, like a balloon, with the text "Let go".

Such good advice.


Lase minna

Suutsin oma peas ühe korraliku pusa tekitada ja üle mõelda… ja siis nägin Fecebookis ZEN grupis pilti kahest mehest, ühel pilv paelaga pea kohal nagu õhupall, juures tekst “Lase minna” (“Let go”).

Nii õige.

neljapäev, 13. aprill 2023

Magical garden

I was picking up debris from my garden under vines next to a freshly built terrace, and then I found a large metal hoop. I had just thought a few days ago that I should find something like this somewhere to create a dream catcher - another nice "Ask and you shall be given!" story! Especially since the shops were closed due to the pandemic.

Of course, I thought further - what if I had such a magical garden that whatever I wished for, it would immediately materialize there? What would I like?


Maagiline aed

Korjasin Võrus oma aiast värskelt valminud terrassi kõrvalt viinapuuheki alt prahti ning leidsin siis suure metallist võru. Olin just paar päeva tagasi mõelnud, et peaksin kuskilt leidma midagi sellist, et sõlmida üks unenäopüüdja - järjekordne tore “Küsi ja Sulle antakse!” lugu! Seda toredam, et poed olid pandeemia tõttu parasjagu kinni.

Muidugi mõtlesin edasi - mis oleks, kui mul olekski selline maagiline aed, et mida tahes ma soovin, see kohe materialiseerub sinna? Mida ma sooviksin?

neljapäev, 6. aprill 2023


In the last days of March, I walked with my dog ​​by the lake and watched with great satisfaction how some of the ice had already melted. There was chocolate paper on the ground, I picked it up (I do so often because this is our planet and our living environment and everyone wins if it is cleaner and more beautiful). The paper was torn in such a way that the word “dip” was staring at me. I hadn't joined the winter bathing craze that raged on social media this winter, but now it was spring and I felt that I might really dip soon.



Jalutasin märtsi viimastel päevadel koeraga järve ääres ning vaatasin suure rahuloluga, kuidas jää on sulades juba kaldast jupp maad eemale taandunud. Maas vedeles šokolaadipaber, korjasin selle üles (teen nii sageli, sest see on meie kõigi planeet ja elukeskkond ning kõik võidavad, kui see on puhtam ja ilusam). Paber oli rebenenud nii, et mulle vaatas vastu ingliskeelsena sõna “sulps” (“dip”). Ma ei olnud kaasa läinud talisuplemishullusega, mis sel talvel sotsiaalmeedias möllas, aga nüüd oli ju kevad ning tundsin, et varsti võiks küll. Kohe siiski vette ei lipanud. 

Take care of yourself

I had escaped from a toxic environment into a peaceful nest. I opened Facebook and I saw a suggestion to take care of ourselves the same way...