neljapäev, 30. mai 2024

Awe of nature

I was quietly disturbed by the removal of the linden alley in my hometown - by what right does a human being do such things, tear down the already scarce greenery in the city? Especially when those trees aren't falling over? 

So an idea I saw on social media really resonated with me, that while modern man thinks he has "rights", indigenous people have always known they have responsibilities - to serve past, present and future generations and the planet herself…


Aukartus looduse ees

Ma olin juba tükk aega vaikselt häiritud pärnaallee mahavõtmisest mu kodulinnas - mis õigusega teeb inim-mutukas selliseid asju, kisub linnas niigi nappi rohelust veel vähemaks? Eriti kui need puud pole ümber kukkumas?

Nii et minuga resoneerus väga mõte, mida nägin sotsiaalmeedias, et kui moodne inimene arvab, et tal on “õigused”, siis põlisrahvad on alati teadnud, et neil on kohustused - eelmiste, praeguste ja tulevaste põlvkondade ning planeedi ees…

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Don't drive faster

I was waiting for a good friend in the café to drive to south together. I ordered a coffee and started to drink it when I discovered a piece...