neljapäev, 25. juuli 2024

Moving with a happy ending

I brought most of the things from my small town home to the capital and planned to start sorting them in the evening. Before that I went to my grandmother's place, on the way back from there, my eyes suddenly caught the text "moving with a happy ending" on an advertising poster by the road.

What a coincidence! And such a good sign!


Õnneliku lõpuga kolimine

Tõin oma väikelinnakodust enamiku asju pealinna ja plaanisin õhtul neid sorteerima hakata. Enne sõitsin vanaema juurde, tagasiteel sealt tabas mu pilk ootamatult Pirita tee ääres reklaamplakatil teksti “õnneliku lõpuga kolimine”.

Milline kokkusattumus! Ja nii hea märk!

neljapäev, 18. juuli 2024


I used to love debating which was more important, the journey or getting there. After my first few books came out, I felt like I had arrived anyway, which made the journey ahead much more enjoyable. However, a new perspective was given by a meme where the panda asked which was more important, the journey or the arrival, and the dragon answered: "Company."

So beautiful. I agreed.



Ma armastasin kunagi väga arutleda selle üle, kumb on olulisem, kas teekond või kohalejõudmine. Pärast esimeste raamatute ilmumist tundsin end igal juhul kohale jõudnuna, mis tegi edasise teekonna palju nauditavamaks. Päris uue vaatenurga andis aga meem, kus panda küsis, kumb on tähtsam, kas teekond või kohalejõudmine, ja draakon vastas: “Seltskond.” 

Nii ilus. Nõustusin.

neljapäev, 11. juuli 2024

Life & holiday

I saw an ad that said “Every day is life. Every evening is a holiday." - and it was a beautiful idea for me. I have thought for a long time that if you love your work, it is enough to have a little rest every day. Balance is important in life.


Elu ja puhkus

Nägin reklaami, mis ütles “Iga päev on elu. Iga õhtu on puhkus.” - ja see oli ilus mõte mu jaoks. Ma olen kaua aega mõelnud, et oma tööd armastades piisabki, kui puhata iga päev natuke. Elus on oluline tasakaal.

neljapäev, 4. juuli 2024

We still have time

After a long time, things were so bad that I even had suicidal thoughts. One such morning at the bus station, a drunken group was sitting next to me, where someone hummed the pop song "We still have time"! 

I remembered that I heard it after a long, long time one day also when I randomly turned on the radio... A sign.


Meil on aega veel

Üle pika aja olid asjad nii hullusti, et lausa suitsiidimõtted tikkusid ligi. Ühel sellisel hommikul istus bussijaamas mu kõrval napsune seltskond, kust keegi ümises Põhja-Tallinna laulu “Meil on aega veel”! 

Mulle meenus selle peale, et kuulsin seda üle pika-pika aja ükspäev juhuslikult raadiot avades ka… Märk.

Viva la vulva

I wandered in Central Europe on the Bratislava-Budapest-Vienna route, collecting new countries, cities and memories. I was taking the train ...